Please watch these videos to activate your L.O.V.E. Pod.

L.O.V.E. Pod Activation Steps

1: Get the L.O.V.E. GLOBAL WIFI App

Step #1: Get the App.

Download and register the L.O.V.E. GLOBAL WIFI App to your Phone.

Links are provided to Apple and Google Play stores.

Please note, your App Password should be at least 8 digits and NOT contain any “special characters”, only letters and numbers. 

2: Bind your WIFI App to your L.O.V.E. Pod

Step 2: Binding your L.O.V.E. Pod to the App.

Connect your unique L.O.V.E.  Pod to your downloaded App.

Follow along at your own pace, with the video instructions, pause the video as you go through the few steps for binding your L.O.V.E. Pod.

Note: The Serial Number (SN) and Password (PWD) for your personal device is located on the back of your L.O.V.E. Pod.  Your password can be changed later (see how in the FAQ section).

3: Purchase your Data Package to Activate

Step 3: Purchasing a Data Package.

Until you add a data package to your L.O.V.E. Pod, it will not be able to go online, although you will see the signal.  DO NOT Use your L.O.V.E. WIFI connection to checkout when purchasing the package (as you have no data yet), use your current WIFI.

Once you receive your receipt, (which comes from “National Sales Corp.“), reboot your L.O.V.E. Pod so it updates, and your data package should activate from within minutes to 24 hours.

Welcome join L.O.V.E. Community Member

Binding your Wifi App to your L.O.V.E. Pod

Log into the L.O.V.E. Community Member

Purchasing your Data Package

Register your Love Wifi App

Step #1: Get the App. Download and register the L.O.V.E. Global WIFI App to your Phone. Links are provided to Apple and Google Play stores. Please note, your App password can NOT contain any “special characters”, only letters and numbers.