Dead or Red Zone?
We Can Help!
If your L.O.V.E. Baby Pod is getting a slow, or no connection, we can help.
Before reporting a location and Pod that needs a little extra love, try these 2 simple options to troubleshoot and fix the issue immediately.
#1 Option – Optimize your Network Connection:
View video instructions for Optimization here.
Open your L.O.V.E. GLOBAL WIFI App, choose the “Device” tab, then the three little circles in the upper right, and from the dropdown menu choose “Optimize Network”. Once the Pod has reoptimized, reboot your L.O.V.E. Pod device. Try connecting.
# 2 Option – Double Reboot.
Power off the Pod for about 10 minutes, then power back on (this resets the network), try to connect a device and let it sit for a few minutes to see if the WIFI icon on your Pod turns from RED, to GREEN. If GREEN, it is now reset and connected. If not, try one more time (there is a reason for the Double Reset).
If neither option above has worked, please fill out the form to let us know where you found a Dead Zone – REPORT your Dead Zone – and we will work to fix it.
In most cases, we can boost the signal once reported.
Despite the error message you may get here, we will still receive your information and will get working on your case. Thank You!